How to Hummm
Simply hum a long low note until you have no breath to give, then completely fill your lungs again. Mix your humming with occasional silent long out breaths. Find your own rhythm, answer the ship horns.
When your mind wanders bring your attention back to what you hear around you and how soothing the humming feels.

Headphones are best
You can share the experience with others if you listen with a speakers, but it’s more immersive with headphones/earbuds.

Ripples or waves
Ripples on rocks or small waves on a sandy beach - whichever scene suits your mood.

The optional rain shower whilst hummming makes us feel something humans have always known - rain passes, leaves the world refreshed and with a sunnier outlook. The sound of rain is ‘white noise’ which is soothing too.

Thunderstorms are ominous and epic. We hear them coming, they crash overhead, but they float away leaving us unharmed and at peace. Hummm can send a thunder overhead at some point. It’s a tension and release thing to add to your experience if you wish, just calmly hummm throughout. The trouble will pass, trouble always does.

This option uses the flash on your device to make the thunder storm more immersive.

  • Make sure the room is dark and the device flash is facing the ceiling. The flash will flicker lightning against your closed eyelids.

  • Don’t lock your device. If you lock your device the flash wont trigger and you’ll get no lightning.

  • Also Disable ‘AUTO-LOCK’ (iOS) or ‘SLEEP TIMEOUT’ (Android) since this will also switch off the lightning.

  • Don’t forget to re enable them after you’ve listened!

Don’t use the lightning feature if you are sensitive to flashing lights.